Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Radiation from X-ray machines
X-ray dose to inspected articles inside machine: 0.05 mR max. Safe even for high-speed I.S.O. 1600 film.
Radiation leakage outside of the machine is less than 0.5 mR/hr. Typically the maximum leakage is less than 0.1 mR/hr.
Complies with 21 CFR 1020.40 and all Bureau of Radiological Health Standards. Typical leakage is less than 0.1 mR/hr permitted by health standard.
Q: Does the X-Ray’s affect Medication & Insulin?
Radiation control from the Department of Health is unaware of and damage to medication and insulin from x-ray units.
Q: Does an X-Ray machine damage your Cellphone or Computer?
The BAA have run extensive tests both with computers and Cellphones over a long period of time and exposure to x-rays thousands of times over. It has been concluded that x-rays do not damage or wipe-off information from computers and Cellphones.
Q: What happens with food when it goes through an X-Ray machine?
X-rays are not detrimental to food, these machines are safe for use where foodstuffs are concerned.
Q: Does X-Ray damage films?
A new series of independent, scientific tests has revealed that airport x-ray machines have no visible effect on the current types of still camera film subjected to routine hand baggage x-ray examination under normal traveling conditions.
Over 300 films from all the major manufacturers were used in the tests. To test the effects of multiple exposure to x-rays, several rolls of each type of film were used. Each roll was passed through the x-ray machine a different number of times, ranging from zero to 32.
The results showed that none of the films suffered any visible effect when viewed on a lightbox, even after multiple exposure to x-rays.
Q: Pace makers & Pregnant Women
Metal detectors & x-ray machines are safe for use of operation, or for persons having luggage scanned who are pregnant or have pacemakers fitted.
Q: What safety features are there on an x-ray machine?
Lead shielded chamber for protection against x-ray radiation. Interlocks for safe operation. E-stops to ensure safety at all times. Warning lights for a visual warning when x-rays are produced. The machine cannot be operated without a key switch.
Q: What are the safety standards on a metal detector?
All metal detector manufacturers are required to meet certain safety standards, which are designed to protect people from harmful effects while using the equipment, The current standard is the NILECJ-STD-0601.00. This was written by the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice under the U.S. Department of Justice, and has been adopted by the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington, D.C. as the standard requirement which all weapons detectors must meet.
It may be of interest to point out that the radiation from microwave ovens, television sets and medical x-rays are far and away much higher than that produced by any weapons detector on the market.
In real life situations, the airlines screen several million people annually on a worldwide basis and, to our knowledge, no one has ever been injured by this extremely low level magnetic field.
Q: What effect does a walkthrough metal detector have on pacemakers, life-support systems, pregnant woman and magnetic storage media?
It is harmless to pacemakers, life-support systems, pregnant woman and magnetic storage medias. It complies with EMC International standards.
Q: Is an X-ray machine easily moved?
Our products have wheels fitted to the base of the x-ray machine. This gives it the ability to be moved easily. Care must be taken! X-ray machines are extremely heavy, and all care must be taken to prevent injury.
Q: What is an emergency stop button?
When activated Emergency Stops prevent X-rays from being produced and the conveyor r belt from moving. There is a minimum of two emergency stop buttons located on the machine and another on the operator control panel.
Q: Is there any requirements to install an X-ray machine on site?
Yes, we normally do a site inspection before delivery. Some things you can keep in mind that is a must at any installation: you must have space for the machine. You will also need a plug point for power. Floor Loading needs to be checked due to excessive machine weight. Make sure that the doorway is big enough to get the X-ray machine through.
Q: What is Operator Assist (O/A)?
A Operator Assist is a purchasable tool that can be used to help draw the operator’s attention to a particular area of the bag being scanned.
Q: What is Image Archiving (I/A)?
This feature enables the x-ray machine to save information to the computer for review at a later stage. The machine has the ability to store information for a limited number of days.
Q: What is Threat Image Projection (TIP)?
Threat Image Projection (TIP) allows operator performance to be monitored, collects data statistics, and allows reports to be generated and downloaded. TIP is used to display fictional bags as well as project fictional objects into real bag images for the purposes of monitoring operator perception and reaction to potential threats.
Q: Basic Operator Training
The Operator Training is given on the day of commissioning. It takes about 2 hours for a total of 6 people.
Q: What is a roller bed?
A roller bed is a horizontal steel structure on feet, fitted with rollers, that helps baggage entering or exiting the x-ray machine pass through with ease. It will also prevent damage to baggage or the inspected items.
Q: Does one get different roller beds?
Yes, there are two different beds namely entry and exit roller beds. An entry bed is installed on the entry side of the x-ray machine. This roller helps to speed up the baggage scanning procedure. It is available in any sizes with a minimum length of 500mm. This type of roller bed is located on the exit side of the x-ray machine. This bed will have an end-stop fitted, so that other objects behind it don’t push of objects. This bed is available in different lengths and sizes, and can also have a search area next to the rollers.
Q: Can I get customised roller beds?
Yes, there are various options to choose from such as the material used, the colour and the dimensions.
Q: What is an X-ray generator?
The X-ray generator is the main component of the x-ray machine. This unit produces the gamma x-rays when it is turned on. When the generator is turned off, no x-rays are emitted.
Q: Does the PX have a computer?
Yes, the PX Computer analyses X-ray information, and projects and stores images. It also runs the software options Threat Image Projection (TIP), Operator Assist (OA), and Image Archiving (IA).
Q: Can the PX operate with any computer monitor?
No, the Display Monitor is a 17″ SVGA high-resolution display capable of 1280×1024 24-bit image resolution.
Q: What is a power roller?
A power roller is the electrical motor, which in turn drives the conveyer belt.
Q: Does the machine have an internal ups?
Yes, but the internal uninterruptible power supply (UPS) provides only backup power to the PC in the event of a power failure.
Q: Does the machine need an external UPS?
Yes, the x-ray machine consists of a number of electronic components. These components are all voltage sensitive. It is therefore advised that a voltage solution is installed with the x-ray machine, to prevent faults caused by a fluctuation in power.
Q: What is an inspection tunnel?
The Inspection Tunnel is a lead-lined metal enclosure in which the bag or package is X-rayed. Lead curtains at both ends of the tunnel provide shielding from X-ray scatter.
Q: What is a conveyer belt?
The Conveyor belt moves items to be inspected through the Inspection Tunnel. The Conveyor Assembly consists of a supporting frame at each end, a belt, and a power roller assembly and various rollers.
Q: Can the conveyer move in both directions?
There are three buttons on the control panel namely FORWARD, STOP and REVERSE. These buttons control the conveyor movement of items through the Tunnel.